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부안군 영문홈페이지 오류 6
인쇄하기 페이스북 트위터
등록일 2019-04-15 조회수 87
지역 제보성격


Buan Gaeam Bamboo Salt

Gaeam bamboo salt is baked in a fire nine times!

Natural salt coming from Bomso, clean ocean of West coast are ground and filled into three-year-old- big bamboo sticks and the entrance hole is capped with a clump of thickly kneaded yellow soils. And then the bamboo sticks are laid in front of a large brazier in which firewood from pine is burning to bake them eight times. And finally at the ninth time of baking when pie resin powder is added to the fire, salt in the bamboo cups is spilled over just like lava and dried as a clump of grey salt. When the grey salt is ground, it is called bamboo salt. Using bamboo salt and domestically produced beans, Gaeam bamboo salt is producing and selling soy bean sauce with bamboo salt, red hot pepper paste with bamboo salt, soy bean paste with bamboo salt.

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