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부안군 영문홈페이지 오류 5
인쇄하기 페이스북 트위터
등록일 2019-04-15 조회수 78
지역 제보성격


It is a clean raw fruit whose flavor and sweetness are just excellent.

The mulberry is a clean fruit cultibated at Buan Silkworm Town Special Zone and it is good for human consumption as a green fruit due to its excellent taste and sugar content; in addition, its content of anthocyanin is remarkably higher than any other fruit, such as apples and grapes. Such a mulberry is on and a half times as high as a tangerine in content of Vitamin C and containing a lot of useful components, such as DNJ, sugar content, carotence, and Tannic Acid, etc.

->  cultivated 

->  carotene

It is the result of workman's spirit and efforts.

By makinguse of mulberry fruits produced from Buan's clean soil that is not contaminated and rich in minerals, Buan mulberry wine is optimally fermented and one of leading products produced in Buan Silkworm Town Special District. Its mild taste is attracting many women as well as lovers of wine.

-> By making use of mulberry fruits

-> one of the leading products 

->  Its mild taste is a great attraction to female travelers 

Mulberry with natural nutritions

-> nutrition

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